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More Lewd Trump Recordings Surface

You knew this was coming. CNN has now published more lewd recordings of Donald Trump from the Howard Stern radio show:
Trump’s years of interviews with Howard Stern, in which he commented on his daughter’s physique, having sex with women during menstruation, interracial sex and getting out of relationships with women over the age of 35.
I'm not linking to the CNN article about the recordings due to auto-play video.

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De Niro Sounds Off On Trump

Actor Robert De Niro on Trump: 56 seconds that will make your day. De Niro calls Trump “a dog,” “a pig,” “a con,” “a bulls—t artist … who doesn’t know what he’s talking about” and “an idiot.”

Transcript below:[More...]

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Trump's Lewd Recording

You can watch Donald Trump's lewd recording at at the Washington Post here.

He is beginning to creep me out. We shouldn't elect a President who makes you feel like taking a shower every time you hear him speak. I don't think he's changed a bit.

Seriously, exactly what kind of change does he offer? He's just a carnival barker. If he loses, which I have no doubt he will, his "Trump" brand will be inexorably tainted. Who would be a big enough chump to buy something that says "Trump" on it? I won't be surprised if NBC changes the name of Celebrity Apprentice before Arnold Schwarzenegger takes over hosting duties in January.

The only place for Trump after this election is the media -- as in his own media company. He'll probably try to become a media mogul and buy or start a new right wing cable news channel and online news outfit. There's a sucker born every minute who will want to watch his show -- even if just to revel in how far he's fallen. [More...]

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NY Times: Trump is Plunging

The New York Times reports:

Donald J. Trump’s support has plunged across the swing-state map over the last 10 days, wiping out his political recovery from September and threatening to undo weeks of Republican gains in the battle for control of Congress.

...Mr. Trump has already slipped perceptibly in public polls, trailing widely this week in Pennsylvania and by smaller margins in Florida and North Carolina — three states he cannot afford to lose. But private polling by both parties shows an even more precipitous drop, especially among independent voters, moderate Republicans and women, according to a dozen strategists from both parties who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the data was confidential.

A new Monmouth poll has Hillary up in Ohio -- but just slightly. However, when it comes to temperment: [More...]

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Another Conservative Endorsement for Clinton as Trump Flails

The San Diego Union Tribune endorses Hillary Clinton. It's the paper's first endorsement of a Democrat in 168 years. The editorial is the least interesting one so far. I'm not linking due to auto-play video.

Shorter version: Trump is "vengeful, dishonest and impulsive" and Hillary is a safe choice.

In other Trump news, his latest campaign rally started really late (supposedly due to fog), he sounds like a crazy person, and (best news yet) people left early.

Two papers today say if Donald Trump loses North Carolina, he can't win -- and the state's not looking good for him.

As he swings more and more into desperation mode, I wonder at what point he just implodes.

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USA Today: Trump Unfit to Be President

USA today made its first presidential endorsement in its 34 year history. It declares Donald Trump unfit to be President:

We haven't made a voting recommendation in 34 years. For this election, we made an exception

..This year, the choice isn’t between two capable major party nominees who happen to have significant ideological differences. This year, one of the candidates — Republican nominee Donald Trump — is, by unanimous consensus of the Editorial Board, unfit for the presidency.

While this and other mainstream media opposition may not matter to his under-informed fans, that's besides the point if they don't show up to vote. Trump doesn't have a cohesive get out the vote effort. Hillary has been working on hers for 8 years. He doesn't even seem to have much of a campaign. [More...]

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Trump Debate Performance: Fat-Shaming, Sniffling, and Outright False Statements

Devastating to Trump. On Twitter last night, Alicia Machado thanked Hillary for the shout-out during the debate. Here's Alicia telling her story in May, 2016:

Another interview the same month is here. [More....]

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The Candidates Debate - Live Thread

Update: The audience has had enough. They are laughing at Trump and cheering Hillary. She even got his sexism in. What a dismal performance by Trump, even worse than I expected. He even blew his attempt to criticize her stamina. No closing statements. The media will have a field day with how unpresidential Trump was. Hillary didn't have a single mis-step.

Updater: PINOCCHIO! Trump lies and says he never supported the war in Iraq. Here's Trump in 2002.

Update: The quiet audience laughed out loud when he said he has a better temperment than Hillary. He says he has a winning temperment.

Go Hillary! She blows off Trump's insult to her temperment and changes the topic back to what the question was. And then gives an example of a Trump statement on Iran that shows he's not fit to be Commander in Chief. Hillary does a good imitation of Trump's cavalier attitude. " A man who gets provoked by a Tweet" should not have his hand anywhere near the nuclear codes. [More...]

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NYT: The Undeserving Donald Trump

As promised, the New York Times editorial board today released its opinion on why Donald Trump doesn't deserve to be President.

The ending is the best part. It sums up the qualities Trump exudes:

....bluster, savage mockery of those who challenge him, degrading comments about women, mendacity, crude generalizations about nations and religions. Our presidents are role models for generations of our children. Is this the example we want for them?

Back to the beginning:

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UnFavorability Ratings: Another Meaningless Poll Number

I'm really tired of seeing the media proclaim Trump and Clinton have the lowest favorability ratings in modern history. So what?

If there's a story here, it's that Trump's favorability rating is 9 points lower than Hillary's, according to the latest Gallup poll. And his unfavorability rating is 8 points higher than Hillary's.

Sept 19-25, 2016 and Sept 17 to 24, 2016:

  • Trump Favorable 32
  • Trump Unfavorable 63
  • Hillary Favorable 41
  • Hillary Unfavorable 55

Also, Trump favorability is down a point while Hillary's is up a point.


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Pre-Debate Thread: What Would You Be Listening To?

Do candidates, like athletes, use music to psych themselves up for the big event? I bet they do.

So what would Hillary be listening to? (I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is tone deaf and listens to nothing but his own voice, so I'm not including him.)

Since she's no millenial, I think the music on her smart phone is going to reflect her generation.

I'm picking three songs for her: One to pump her up, one to watch on her phone and inspire her right before she's introduced, and one to listen to during the break when she thinks she can't stand another moment of being on stage with Donald Trump.

I'd like to hear your choices in comments. My picks below.

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Bono to Las Vegas: Don't Gamble on Trump, You'll Lose it All

At the iHeart Music Festival in Las Vegas Friday -- U2 blows up Donald Trump on the big screen. Bono says, "Las Vegas, Are you ready to gamble?" "Are you ready to gamble your house?" "Are you ready to gamble the American dream?" On the big screen behind him, Donald Trump, with a sneer, proclaims "The American Dream is Dead." Bono screams back "The American Dream is Alive!"

The screen then shows Donald Trump in a baseball cap asking, "What do you have to lose?"

Bono repeats, "What do you have to lose?" He answers, "Everything!"

In the longer clip, available here, U2 then launches into "Desire" with the first words, "You can't deny her."

Loved it.

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