
Why Did Edwards Come On So Strong?

Eric Alterman on the Kerry-Edwards debate:

I was amazed at how hard Edwards came after Kerry, given that I thought he was running for vice president by this time. He’s not. He may end up with the job, but it will take a lot of swallowing by Kerry, and it’s weird that Edwards would want to go down making so much noise. On the other hand, Edwards was terrific, again, and Kerry seemed uncomfortable. That line about God and Abe Lincoln was a killer. Kerry, I dunno. I tried for some pre-debate reassurance from his people that he had a plan for dealing with his Q-rating problem. They wouldn’t grant a thing. They told me people say he’s more likable than Bush. I’m not buying. And I’m certainly not buying when you combine it with the words “Massachusetts liberal” and Bush’s two hundred million plus, and the whole thing gives me a headache.

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