
Blog Update and Open Thread

We're just about ready to resume blogging. Today is our first "outing" since our wrist surgery--we're going to Colorado Springs to visit a client in jail. Thankfully, we're not driving. Then we will rest our wrist, watch the Sopranos and log back in here.

We can't thank TChris enough--he did such an outstanding job of blogging here this week, what a great writer he is. TChris, thanks, and check your mail in a few days for a nice present from us.

A note regarding our newsfeed: We can't resume it just yet, it requires too many short wrist movements, so we're going to an automated news feed for a few weeks. We figure it's better than no newsfeed. So the article selection won't be quite as relevant as it is when we manually pick them, but it'll have to do for now.

We get our stitches out Wednesday, and then we should have an idea as to whether the surgery was successful. Thanks to all of you for making your comments pleasant this week--it takes a lot of wrist movement to go in and delete words and comments and then rebuild, and even to read 400 comments a day.

Here's an open thread, choose your own topics, just remember to put urls in html format as per the instructions in the comments box.

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