
Military Defense Lawyers are Kicking A**

Who would have thought that military defense lawyers would be compared to William Kuntsler? In the case of those defending the Guantanamo detainees, the praise is well-justified:

The Pentagon wants the military commissions, the first for the United States since the end of World War II, to be seen as fair at home and abroad. But the military lawyers, in playing the kind of attack-the-system role that William Kunstler was known for, have become widely quoted around the world and acclaimed by some as heroes after appearances in London and Australia in which they denounced the tribunals.

Last month, an audience at Oxford University in England was stunned, witnesses said, when two of the lawyers, Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift of the Navy and Maj. Mark Bridges of the Army, said the tribunals were not capable of producing a fair and just result....Murray Wesson, a Rhodes Scholar from South Africa who attended, wrote on his Web log: "What I was unprepared for, given that these were, after all, military lawyers, was how critical of the process they were. Indeed, they went so far as to describe the tribunals as `fundamentally flawed' and insinuated that they would not amount to fair trials."

The lawyers are right and we're proud of them. Now we just need the American media to pay as much attention to them as has the international press.

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