
Kerry Says Draft Could Return if Bush Re-elected

John Kerry said today that Bush's policies in Iraq could lead to a return of the draft if Bush is re-elected.

Kerry told The Des Moines Register, "With George Bush, the plan for Iraq is more of the same and the great potential of a draft." The interview was published Friday as Kerry was leaving for Wisconsin and a speech on the economy.

GW's denials don't mean much because his credibility is so low. Remember his father's electioneering statment made during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, "No New Taxes, Read my Lips"?

The Congress will push me to raise taxes and I'll say no. And they'll push, and I'll say no, and they'll push again. And I'll say to them: 'Read my lips -- No. New. Taxes.'"

After Bush won the election, of course he raised taxes. He always knew he was going to have to do it -- it was inevitable. In fact, Bush signed the largest tax increase in history. Nevertheless, millions of Republican voters felt they had been doublecrossed. But he had only told them what he knew they wanted to hear. He assumed they knew that. And it was that duplicity which ultimately cost him the re-election.

Don't trust GW's promises on the draft. There will be no holding him accountable. More here.

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