
Site Request

Since the advertising has dropped on blogs following the election, I'm back to paying for all costs associated with TalkLeft myself. I don't plan on breaking for the holidays (even though I'll be completing my move into my new home, another expense.)

As regular readers and commenters know, this site takes hours of my day and evening to maintain. What began as a fanciful hobby is now a news and opinion site read daily by more than 10,000 people. Between 300 and 500 comments are left on the site daily, almost all of which I read personally. Many of you readers return several times throughout the day, evening and weekends, looking for fresh material. So far, I haven't disappointed.

Without the ad revenue, I have to ask for reader contributions. There really is no other way to keep the site going at the current level. So, if you are a frequent reader, or if you just appreciate TalkLeft and want to see it continue and thrive, please make a donation. All amounts are welcome and appreciated.

Thanks, and I do send out individual thank you emails to all but anonymous donors.

< Soldier Testifies About Killing Iraqis in Canadian Asylum Trial | DNA Collection Challenged >
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