
Defense Continues Opening in Michael Jackson Trial

I'll be over at the Washington Post doing an online chat on the Michael Jackson trial. You can join in here.

Documentary producer Martin Bashir is the first witness.

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  • I hope Michael isn't using the "wardrobe malfunction" defense.

    Re: Defense Continues Opening in Michael Jackson T (none / 0) (#2)
    by jerry on Wed Mar 02, 2005 at 04:05:50 AM EST
    Does anyone really think this millionaire pedophile, that our youth considers some sort of idol, will do nothing but walk away from this and continue his "Normal" behavior of sleeping with little boys? This guy is a wierd sicko with a following of star struck fans. He'll get off, then comes a new album along with his parade of clowns holding his umbrella everytime he's out in public. His family defending him is even more wierd, they don't want to lose that money machine. I can't believe any celeb, with any brains, would get on the witness stand and defend this creep!

    Jerry will do nothing but walk away from this and continue his "Normal" behavior. If he walks ..hopefully it would be "dead man walking"..or should I say 'dead man moon walking'? haha

    I love how it's always guilty until proven innocent with you B.B.

    no name.... Why is it you lefties have no sense of humor? I suppose you think OJ is innocent too? Oh yeah...the jury said so.... I forgot... nevermind