
NARAL Makes FOIA Request for Bush White House Memos on Roberts

Press Release:

NARAL Pro-Choice America filed a formal request with the Bush White House that asks for records or descriptions of any contacts between President Bush or other administration officials and radical right organizations that have praised his selection of John Roberts for the Supreme Court.

Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, said the jubilant reaction from organizations that have advocated the overturning of Roe v. Wade reflected the undue influence these groups may have had on this selection.

"President Bush is asking the Senate to confirm John Roberts to serve a lifetime appointment in a position in which he will have a profound impact on the lives of ordinary Americans. We are filing this request because the public has a right to the same information regarding a potential Supreme Court Justice as representatives of ideological pressure groups," Keenan said. "The essential question is, ‘What do they know about John Roberts and how do they know it?’"

Here's what they asked for, in their letter to White House Counsel Harriet Miers:

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, I am requesting records or descriptions of any contacts between your office, the office of Karl Rove, or any other White House employee with any of the groups named below concerning Judge John Roberts prior to his nomination to the Supreme Court.

Given the pressing nature of this information, and the upcoming U.S. Senate hearings on Mr. Roberts’ nomination, I ask that you consider this request on an expedited basis. Surely, the American people have a right to the same information regarding a potential Supreme Court Justice as do representatives of ideological pressure groups.

We request information regarding contacts with any of the following groups:

American Society for Law and Justice
American Values
Christian Coalition
Committee for Justice
Concerned Women for America
Family Research Council
Focus on the Family
Heritage Foundation
Judicial Confirmation Network
National Right to Life Committee
Operation Rescue
Progress for America
Third Branch Conference
Traditional Values Coalition

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  • We request information regarding contacts with any of the following groups: American Society for Law and Justice American Values Christian Coalition Committee for Justice Concerned Women for America Family Research Council Focus on the Family Heritage Foundation Judicial Confirmation Network National Right to Life Committee Operation Rescue Progress for America Third Branch Conference Traditional Values Coalition
    I hope that NARAL isn’t holding their breath that the Bush administration will actually come clean about whether or not they have been in any sort of discussion with the above hate groups! (But I do wish them luck in getting the information).