
Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008?

Big Media Ezra has an excellent take on Al Gore in the new American Prospect.

The smartest thing Gore may have done is align himself with MoveOn and Howard Dean...he could reap mega-millions from the netroots if he decides to run. Hillary has the big money sewn up, but liberals don't appreciate her born-again centrism or support for war.

Gore has given no indication he wants to run. Part of me hopes he does. He's got more passion than he did six years ago. He seems more liberal. He's loosened up and expresses himself better. I think he can rally the liberal troops and that a lot of people may believe because he got robbed in 2000, it's his due.

And he'd bring his social security lockbox with him to the White House. I miss that lockbox.

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  • Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 06:42:18 PM EST
    He's got more passion than he did six years ago. He seems more liberal. He's loosened up and expresses himself better. I agree. He was much looser and much more animated and passionate, and I think honestly incensed over and affronted by NSA domestic wiretapping, in his speech on constitutional issues back in January. Many people in politics are there only out of self-interest. But some, like Russ Feingold, seem to be there because like most people in any other field, they truly want and really try to do the best and most honest job they are capable of. I think Gore is one of those...

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#2)
    by Zeno on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 06:46:56 PM EST
    I consider him the rightful 43rd president who was robbed of office by the outright theft of Florida. I would vote for him again, but not just because he was cheated in 2000. He's a steady and experienced hand at a time when we may be waking up to the present-day tragedy of having a grossly incompetent and dishonest chief executive in the White House.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:00:28 PM EST
    I am greatly excited by the prospect of a possible Gore candidacy. I'm much more excited about him than any of the up and comers for 2008 mentioned in straw polls at DKos. I'd like to see him paired with my state's senator Russ Feingold.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#4)
    by Edger on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:04:03 PM EST
    I'd like to see him paired with my state's senator Russ Feingold. Now that just might be an unbeatable combination.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#5)
    by joejoejoe on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:23:25 PM EST
    Meteor Blades has a straw poll diary up on dKos w/Gore as as of 10:15 pm here are the results: Gore.......49% Feingold...26% Clark...... 9% Warner..... 4% Edwards.... 2% 3287 votes Compare to the front page dKos straw poll without Gore: Feingold...48% Clark......15% Warner.....12% Edwards.... 6% Clinton.... 2% 10914 votes So it's safe to say the online liberal community loves Gore.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:34:54 PM EST
    I also think Gore would be a good president. I hope he runs. Gore was involved in airlifting patients stranded at Charity Hospital in New Orleans after Katrina while Bush and friends did nothing.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#7)
    by orionATL on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:43:22 PM EST
    it bothers me a lot that the actual experience and presumed competence of a presidential candidate never seems to be a subject for discussion. in 2000, it seemed to me that george bush had very little or none of the experience in governing a democracy that one would expect of a presidential candidate. but that issue was never raised in the campaign. history has shown that bush did not have the experience to govern a democracy, nor did karl rove, who made most of the president's "decisions". al gore, on the other hand, has the experience, not to mention the intellect, to govern a democracy exceptionally well. i don't know if gore cares to run, but i do know that he is, far and away, the best qualified, by his experience, american to be president.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:46:12 PM EST
    Gore was never as stiff as the Media made him out to be in 2000. But even with that he seems looser and more passionate now than then. For Gore personally, the 2000 theft may well have been a gift that freed him to be the great man that was always lurking inside him. For the nation, the 2000 theft was a disaster, and I don't really think it's fair to make him be the one to clean up the mess. But. For purely selfish reasons, I hope he can be convinced to take the job.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:49:05 PM EST
    Gore would get my support, in terms of: - money - labor - time and anything else I could do to help.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#10)
    by mpower1952 on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:50:36 PM EST
    I saw and heard Gore speak when he campaigned in Knoxville. He was great. I kept saying that I wished he spoke like that all the time, not stilted and pedantic. I would vote for him again. But he better pick a different vp. :)

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#11)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:50:48 PM EST
    Enough with the straw polls already. It's all just brand name recognition right now anyhow. Oy Vey, I love/hate politics as much as the next guy, but Mitt Romney is this year's Lamar Alexander for Christ Sake. He's runnin' full time because there's no way he could get reelected in Mass. They're sick of his act already. Lord knows, he'd never carry the State. I suppose we've gotta pay attention, but do we really have to.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#12)
    by squeaky on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 07:55:03 PM EST
    Gosh, imagine replacing the war on terror aka the long war for the war on global warming... wow, why not, just redirect the dod money to the greens. Can't wait too see the film. And what a great thesis, TV and the Presidency.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#13)
    by Liberal Heart on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 09:48:22 PM EST
    Gore has my vote. I love the man. Always have, since the early '80s when was so active in hazardous waste issues. Hugh Kaufman, the EPA whistleblower, told me then that Gore would be president someday. I hope he's right. There's still time. What great sign of national relief if he'd move into the WH for 8 years. That just might set right all that has gone wrong during 43's reign of terror.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#14)
    by John Mann on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 10:19:30 PM EST
    Anyone who could invent something as cool as the Internet would damn sure get my vote. Well, if I could vote.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#15)
    by cpinva on Mon Mar 20, 2006 at 10:50:55 PM EST
    Anyone who could invent something as cool as the Internet would damn sure get my vote.
    that would be maureen dowd and frank rich. all of the above comments ring true, except....................... except, gore has the taint of a loser wafting from him. blame the "liberal" media for creating and promulgating some of the more absurd critisisms leveled against him, and bill clinton as well. they made them up, then they claimed to have no clue where they came from. no surprise that the republicans jumped right on those bandwagons, i would have. if the country is as sick of the GOP as everyone here thinks, it should show in the fall mid-term elections, resulting in a change of majority ownership of congress. that will be the first true test of the dems hopes to recapture the wh in 2008, regardless of who they nominate. personally, i'd go with ms. clinton, in my opinion, the smartest of the bunch.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 01:06:11 AM EST
    straw bale Pres Gore, VP Obama, Sec State Biden, Sec Def Murtha, Sec Homeland Feingold, Sec Education Hillary, Press Sec David Brancaccio

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#17)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 05:31:30 AM EST
    I saw and heard Gore speak when he campaigned in Knoxville. He was great. I kept saying that I wished he spoke like that all the time, not stilted and pedantic. I saw him late in the campaign at the Capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin. He was great. I never saw any trace of the Stilted and Pedantic person the media were always talking about. He exuded charisma. I went home and signed up to make election day calls to get out the vote. Also sent a check. You Go Gore!

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#18)
    by kdog on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 05:52:29 AM EST
    The 8 years out of power may have been good for Al Gore. He always struck me as one of the "less sinister" politicians. The Dems could certainly do worse. He looks more appealing than the other Dem hopefuls, which is more of an indictment of the other hopefuls than an endorsement of Al Gore. I'd still rather see a Washington outsider get the nomination. We need real change more than we need a Democrat.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#19)
    by Slado on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 06:58:07 AM EST
    Al Gore can't win the presidency because he can't win the south. Southern moderates and republicans consider him a traitor and won't vote for him. Remember TN his home state is what really lost him the presidency. If he'd carried that state FL wouldn't have mattered. He didn't even win his home county and town. Gore also recently received money from rich Saudi's to deliver a hate speech against this country. I'm sure he's a better speaker and did a great job telling Saudi's how bad America is but he can't win in the general election after some of the comments he's made recently and over the last 8years. He's moved way left from the moderate he used to pretend to be and that won't win a general election. Lets be realistic. It won't be a rematch vs. Bush. Maybe he could win that because of bad feelings but he won't win vs. John McCain or whoever the Repulicans nominate. I'm sure you guys love him but do you really think he could win?

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#20)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 07:25:28 AM EST
    Slado, your analysis is interesting. I think you are right that Gore could not win the South, but I don't think winning the South is key to a Democratic victory. If he could win Florida, or Ohio, or Nevada, or even New Hampshire in addition to what he won last time it would be enough (and let us not forget, he really did get more votes in Florida already). I am not sure if he has gone more left or just more populist (less democratic inside the beltway stuff). I mean, what issues do you think he has gotten more liberal on? Like he has spoken out against the war, but not really from a leftist position. I think his take on the war is pretty much in the mainstream of american public opinion (it is sometimes hard to remember that because on the war, most elected democrats are way to the right of the american people). As to it not being a rematch of Bush vs. Gore, I think i sort of disagree. I think sometimes after an eight year presidency, when people are feeling a sense of regret about how those eight years have gone, the election is still sort of a referendum on the outgoing president. Like after the whole impeachment mess, people were all hot to vote for "restoring honor and dignity to the white house." I think a candidate who is the anti-bush - extremely competent, someone who is really serious about substantive policy, someone who seems cautious and mature, someone who actually should have won against bush in 2000 - might just do very well. Gore or no Gore (and I would be so happy if it was Gore), I think that the democrats should run someone who projects an air of competency and of not being too political in every decision that is made (one of those people who seems like they don't like the politics side of politics, they are just really good at governing). My old governor before I moved from NC, Mike Easley was that kind of politician (though I don't think he would make a great presidential candidate).

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#21)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 07:37:41 AM EST
    Well, slado, I don't think Gore will or should run again in 2008, but he already did win in 2000. He had Florida stolen away from him by the fat little brother and cruella deville when they - amongst other things - decided everyone named Washington or Lincoln was a felon until proved otherwise and that counting votes in Duval County was a take home exam for republican operatives. As for Tennessee, nra trash, gun nut nonsense and kukluxkristian krapolla answers that question, but that's true of pretty much the whole confederacy. If a republican don't sweep the confederacy, he ain't got a prayer of becomin' President. The South went republican after the Civil Rights Act. Nixon had his Southern Strategy. Reagan kicked his Presidency off in Philadelphia, MS. with a lot of State's Rights BS. No reptile will win without sweepin' the south. No bigots. No bush.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#22)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 07:51:13 AM EST
    The only thing a Gore nomination in 2008 will do is make it easier for a Republican to win the Whitehouse, again. He was the wrong choice in 2000, and nothing about that has changed; he is still the wrong man for the job.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#23)
    by kdog on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 08:12:25 AM EST
    Compared to GDub jpaul...Al Gore is freakin' Thomas Jefferson.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#24)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 08:21:15 AM EST
    Compared to GDub jpaul...Al Gore is freakin' Thomas Jefferson. Perhaps, Kdog; perhaps. But then we don't really know, since we've never seen him in action as the president, and as such have no way of knowing whether he would have handled any of what has come at us any better than Bush. But that's hardly the issue. Bush has indeed been a disappointment on many fronts, but that doesn't make Gore the right choice, only an arguably better one (and it is arguable, as I'm sure you are aware). Personally, I'm beyond tired of the lesser of two evils choices, and that's all Gore ever was and ever will be. He's shown himself to be quite willing to bend the rules when he finds them inconvenient, he's shown himself willing to lie about stupid stuff in order to pander, which leads me to wonder whether he can be trusted on the big stuff any more than Bush can, and he's shown himself to be a remarkably poor judge of character. Not what I'm looking for in a president, by a long shot. Yes, he has the allure of not being Bush, but then so does everyone else in the world other than Bush. That's not reason enough to vote for him, especially since Bush won't be running in 2008.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#25)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 08:43:54 AM EST
    et al - Gore has provided the Repubs with a treasure chest of over the top statements about a variety of issues. The Repubs would use them to chop him into little pieces, starting with his comments in SA.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#26)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 08:51:11 AM EST
    charlie - Hope you never get stopped for speeding in the south. Why? Because you have a big chance of being stopped by a black deputy. And since you know that there are NO black deputies in the rural south you'll try and ignore his instructions. You'll then be arrested for resisting arrest and become even more upset when you think the Sheriff is a fake because he is also black. Your outlandish actions will get you held without bail, and then tried in a court where there is an excellent chance the judge and/or prosecutor is black, and you will reject probably the best lawyer in town because he is black. Oh, I know he only graduated from State U, so you'll import some guy from NYC who has a degree from Yale, which everyone on the jury knows has a member of the Taliban being given a free education while their family members are in the military, fighting the few terrorists who haven't yet been accepted for a free education at an Ivy League school. So while your damnyankee lawyer is explaining how smart he is and how all of the charges are fake because black people can't possibly be holding these positions, the prosecutor will be smiling and respectful to all concerned. But that won't matter because you will know it is all fake because blacks can't hold any of these positions in the rural south. Do you want butter with those grits? How about some cornbread with those beans? Enjoy picking up trash along the road, eh? Oh well, you'll get to meet some new friends and the years will just fly by.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#27)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 08:57:13 AM EST
    Kdog, Do you think that Jefferson would have signed off on somethng like Echelon?

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#28)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 09:28:28 AM EST
    Posted by JimakaPPJ March 21, 2006 09:43 AM
    et al - Gore has provided the Repubs with a treasure chest of over the top statements about a variety of issues. The Repubs would use them to chop him into little pieces, starting with his comments in SA.
    Gee, did he shoot somebody in the face over there and try to cover it up, Jim? Is he still slingin' the "we'll be greeted as liberators" horsebrit? Bein' anti-shrub is not anti-American, Jim. To the contrary, it's the ultimate in Patriotism.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#29)
    by Dadler on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 09:34:40 AM EST
    If Gore genuinely finds his balls WHEN IT MATTERS then I'll believe the optimism. If he runs, I have worry his nads will retreat into his abdominal cavity and the old "running for something" Gore will reappear and doom him. Only when he speaks and acts strongly WHEN IT MATTERS will I be convinced. Until then, it's really not very progressive to look to Gore. Is this really the best we can do?

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#30)
    by kdog on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 09:51:17 AM EST
    Only compared to GDub does Gore look good to me, jpaul. At least Gore seems intelligent and capable of critical thought. I can't say the same for Bush. I do honestly believe the country would be in slightly better shape had Gore been pres. the last 6 years. Key word slightly. Compared to Thomas Jefferson, Al Gore is just another bought off insider. Another cog in a broken machine. Another imaginationless self-server. Still, I'd be able to stomach a vote for him over a vote for Hillary or the other Dem hopefuls. At least he's had 6 years away from the cancer causing agent we call federal government. But I'd vote for the deli counter guy around the corner ahead of any of 'em...for perspective on where I'm coming from. BTW..what a sad state of affairs when I (and I assume many others) are forced to pull the lever for the guy that repulses them the least.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#31)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 09:55:24 AM EST
    I do honestly believe the country would be in slightly better shape had Gore been pres. the last 6 years. We'll have to disagree on that one, Kdog. Given the response to terrorism of the administration Gore was part of, I don't see him having done much of anything in response to 9/11, in which case I think we would have had several more such attacks by now. what a sad state of affairs when I (and I assume many others) are forced to pull the lever for the guy that repulses them the least. Welcome to the club, Kdog.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#32)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 10:18:41 AM EST
    I agree about Gore. Whether he's a new Gore or the old Gore, he's the most impassioned, articulate voice for Democrats and against Republicans on the national stage. His series of speeches criticizing the Bush Administration have been brilliant. I signed a Draft Gore petition a few months ago. He's the only potential Democratic candidate that I can get excited about. (And I voted for Nader in 2000, though in New York, where my vote didn't matter. So, whether Gore has come around, or I have come around, I think he's the right candidate for the right time in 2008.)

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#33)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 11:08:20 AM EST
    Gore has provided the Repubs with a treasure chest of over the top statements about a variety of issues. Such as? I mean statements he actually made, not the "I invented the Internet" crapola the Right made up.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#34)
    by glanton on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 11:16:40 AM EST
    My friends, What I want to know is, who really believes that the Gore we have seen since 9/11 is the same Gore we would see if he re-entered the big game? Who thinks he would avoid once again pandering to the chronic me-tooism that dominates the Democratic Party and inevitably channels its rhetoric into God, guns, and gays? Who thinks that the Dems are not complicit in the utter domination, by corporations, of our entire government? Seriously, don't you guys remembe what happened to Dean? And of course, Tampa has argued convincingly many times that Dean was merely putting on a show just like everybody else--the "I'm genuine" show. Too much optimism, too much patriotism on this thread. BTW: Did anyone see where Hillary Clinton has co-sponsored an anti-flag burning bill? Don't vote it only encourages them.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#35)
    by kdog on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 11:49:16 AM EST
    I hear ya glanton...if Gore jumped back in the ring he would certainly be re-labotomized into the Gore of old. We require our leaders to check their brain and their balls at the door when seeking national office.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#36)
    by theologicus on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 12:58:49 PM EST
    Few high-ranking Democrats have spoken out as forcefully as Gore against torture. His speech on MLK Day was exemplary. Here's an excerpt: At the same time, the Executive branch has also claimed a previously unrecognized authority to mistreat prisoners in its custody in ways that plainly constitute torture and have plainly constituted torture in a widespread pattern that has been extensively documented in U.S. facilities located in several countries around the world. He went on at length. He sees clearly that torture puts democracy in jeopardy. No one who fails to speak this way is even worth considering. Let's hope he runs. National Religious Campaign Against Torture

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#37)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 01:17:40 PM EST
    At the same time, the Executive branch has also claimed a previously unrecognized authority to mistreat prisoners in its custody in ways that plainly constitute torture and have plainly constituted torture in a widespread pattern that has been extensively documented in U.S. facilities located in several countries around the world. Problem is, this is just more of the typical BS. The Executive branch has not claimed such authority. It has claimed that what it has authorized does not in fact constitute torture. You and I may disagree with them about whether what they have been up to does or does not constitute torture, but claims like this just undermine that argument against them because of their general dishonesty. This is classic Al Gore. It's also a losing proposition. No one running for office is going to stand up and proclaim themselves in favor of torture, so the end result is that Al looks like another "me too!" with the added baggage of having been dishonest about what has been claimed by others. He would be far better off simply stating unequivocably that he is opposed to any such means, and that his administration would refuse to use such tactics. But, par for the course, Al had to reach for the hyperbole and show us once again why he not the man for the job.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#38)
    by cpinva on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 01:21:21 PM EST
    I mean statements he actually made, not the "I invented the Internet" crapola the Right made up.
    molly, the "right" did not make this up, the "liberal" press did. as noted earlier, you can thank such as maureen dowd and frank rich, of the ny times, for coming up with these ridiculous assertions. the right did take them and run with them, but they had nothing to do with creating them, the "liberal" media did that all by itself. that the same "liberal" media has convinced you that the "right" is responsible, is testament either to their ability to blow smoke in your face, or your lack of knowledge of the true source of the allegations against gore, and clinton and kerry as well.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#39)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 02:09:14 PM EST
    justpaul - But what you don't understand is that when you disagree with the Left you must be lying, therefore obviously you approve of torture. charlie - Shoot someone? Cover up? Pardon me while I laugh. If that is the best you can do.... wow. I tell you charlie. You are running out of steam. You are trying to defend Gore's statements, all public and all available, by attacking a hunting accident by someone who won't be running for election. Wow. That'll get the voter's attention. "Hey Mr. Voter! Remember that Cheney shot someone in a hunting accident!" And the voter, first looking confused, remembers that the Repub's guy is not Cheney.. and thinks...Duhhhhhh. Come on, charlie. Try and keep up.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#40)
    by Dadler on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 02:21:01 PM EST
    Jim, You wrote: justpaul - But what you don't understand is that when you disagree with the Left you must be lying, therefore obviously you approve of torture. And because we disagree with the right, we must be pro-terrorism? No one here IS the "left" OR the "right", but simply individuals stating their opinions. That's the point of commenting here, to me anyway: to address individuals and break down labels. Longhorns in the Final 4?

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#41)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 02:30:14 PM EST
    Problem is, this is just more of the typical BS. The Executive branch has not claimed such authority. It has claimed that what it has authorized does not in fact constitute torture.
    You and I may disagree with them about whether what they have been up to does or does not constitute torture, but claims like this just undermine that argument against them because of their general dishonesty.
    In other words, they lied. Well, that certainly makes all the difference in the world. Gee, I feel so much better knowing that, JP.
    This is classic Al Gore. It's also a losing proposition. No one running for office is going to stand up and proclaim themselves in favor of torture, so the end result is that Al looks like another "me too!" with the added baggage of having been dishonest about what has been claimed by others. He would be far better off simply stating unequivocably that he is opposed to any such means, and that his administration would refuse to use such tactics. But, par for the course, Al had to reach for the hyperbole and show us once again why he not the man for the job.
    Oh, so the reptiles are gonna lie again, eh? Gee, JP, thanks for the heads up. Nobody would've ever seen that comin'. Boy, you're just a jeepster for your shrub, aren't ya, fella?

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#42)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 02:32:59 PM EST
    Molly, I'm pretty sure Jim was talking about Gore's more recent comments regarding what this country has been up to, which are indeed open to spin from the left or the right, but any candidacy on his part will also no doubt dredge up: "No controlling legal authority." "A great president." "One of my earliest memories is of my mother singing me the 'Look for the Union Lable" jingle as she rocked me to sleep." "I was drinking lot of iced tea and kept going to the bathroom." and, of course, "Tipper and I were the inspiration for 'Love Story'." These are the kinds of things that don't mean a lot at the time (although I question such a call on the "No controlling legal authority" one myself), but they do come back to haunt you later in life.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#43)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 02:36:52 PM EST
    Well, feel free to start dredgin', jeepster. Knock yourself right out.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#44)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 02:45:06 PM EST
    Don't feed the house troll. He bites. Or is it sucks? Whichever.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#45)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 02:53:25 PM EST
    And the voter, first looking confused, remembers that the Repub's guy is not Cheney.. and thinks...Duhhhhhh.
    Yeah, that's that party in a nutshell. Come on, charlie. Try and keep up. Comin' up on your right. Make that 560 somethin'.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#46)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 03:07:23 PM EST
    You keep dredgin', JP. Let's see ya come up with some of those quotes. We know ya can talk trash, sorta. Let's see if ya can do anything else.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#47)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 03:19:14 PM EST
    Please, no. Gore will have his hat handed to him like Kerry. Bush made mistakes and still won because Kerry was so boring--like Gore is.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#48)
    by jondee on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 03:49:32 PM EST
    Publicly financed elections,(or, as the jps and the ppjs call it, "communism"), is the only way to break out of the hookers-working-different-sides-of-the- street scenario that we have now and the only way, in my opinion, to inspire the "best and brightest" to become interested in public service ie: communism.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#49)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 04:04:40 PM EST
    Publicly financed elections,(or, as the jps and the ppjs call it, "communism"), is the only way to break out of the hookers-working-different-sides-of-the- street scenario that we have now and the only way, in my opinion, to inspire the "best and brightest" to become interested in public service ie: communism. More lies from Jondee/Charlie. How surprising! Why yes, I do believe the sun has set once again as well. It's all so like clockwork. Leave me out of your specious fantasy's if you would, Jondee. I've never said any such thing, nor will I.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#50)
    by jondee on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 04:11:47 PM EST
    So tell me how you feel about publicly financed elections j.p.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#51)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 04:27:23 PM EST
    So tell me how you feel about publicly financed elections j.p. Who the hell are you to make demands of anyone, Jondee? You accuse me of saying things I've never said in an attempt to paint me as the same sort of small-minded pinhead you are, and then you feel free to demand I tell you how I feel about an issue? What arrogance. Another TalkLeft house troll is born. How I feel about public financing of elections is not the issue, Jondee (or the subject of this thread, for that matter). I certainly don't consider such proposals "communism" (perhaps because I actually understand what communism is, which I can only guess you don't). Go peddle your lies elsewhere, or at least have the decency to admit them and show a little courtesy when you want answers from someone else. Until then, I'll choose to stay on topic.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#52)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 04:49:45 PM EST
    Posted by justpaul March 21, 2006 05:27 PM So tell me how you feel about publicly financed elections j.p.
    Who the hell are you to make demands of anyone, Jondee? You accuse me of saying things I've never said in an attempt to paint me as the same sort of small-minded pinhead you are, and then you feel free to demand I tell you how I feel about an issue? What arrogance. Another TalkLeft house troll is born.
    How I feel about public financing of elections is not the issue, Jondee (or the subject of this thread, for that matter). I certainly don't consider such proposals "communism" (perhaps because I actually understand what communism is, which I can only guess you don't).
    Go peddle your lies elsewhere, or at least have the decency to admit them and show a little courtesy when you want answers from someone else...
    Gee, JP. Touchy, touchy. What'd ya think ya were, a legacy like shrub? Ya think ya'd get the gig just handed to ya and exclusive territorial rights to boot? You ain't no fortunate son, sport. Grab a mop and start swabbin' the deck, sailor.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#53)
    by jondee on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 04:58:14 PM EST
    j.p - Actually I'd say that youre a markedly different kind of small minded pinhead than I am. Theres little similarity.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#54)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 05:05:32 PM EST
    jondee writes:
    Publicly financed elections,(or, as the jps and the ppjs call it, "communism"), is the only way to break out of the hookers-working-different-sides-of-the- street scenario that we have
    I don't think I have ever commented on public financing of elections, much less referred to it as communism. Jondee, prove that I have or aplogize for lying about me.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#55)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 05:26:36 PM EST
    Jim, lying again. et al - Gore has provided the Repubs with a treasure chest of over the top statements about a variety of issues. The Repubs would use them to chop him into little pieces, starting with his comments in SA. jim's probably referring to the love story comment Al Gore had made. Al Gore actually had said what was printed in a newspaper in an interview with the author of love story. The author of love story, Erich Segal, later said what he meant was that love story, indeed was based on Al Gore, but not Tipper.But Jim knew that, but being truth challenged had to lie, again.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#56)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 05:36:57 PM EST
    Well, Lord knows, the truth ain't doin' our Jim and his pitiful little band any favors.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#57)
    by swingvote on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 06:32:02 PM EST
    j.p - Actually I'd say that youre a markedly different kind of small minded pinhead than I am. Theres little similarity. Do you even have a comment to make on topic Jondee, or were you unable to find a suitable site to provide your regurgitated text from today? Is that what explains your decision to go on the attack and lie about what other people believe? Google not working for you anymore? Dishonesty comes very easily to you Jondee. I wonder why that is. Good night, folks. The conversation has broken down and I've better things to do than quip back and forth with the house trolls. In closing, I'll just add that if Al Gore is the great liberal hope, we're all doomed to another Republican administration.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#58)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 06:46:40 PM EST
    JP, having waited 'til his head stopped rolling, picks it up, tucks it under his arm, and takes a rather circuitous route home.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#59)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 09:16:42 PM EST
    bigunit12 - Nope, those are out of date. If you want to see what will be used against him, just check out his attacks on America in his SA speech. And since you apparently know nothing about them I'll just put you down as a typical don't know nothing except what the Left tells me person. No surprise there. ;-)

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#60)
    by jimakaPPJ on Tue Mar 21, 2006 at 09:17:56 PM EST
    bigunit12 - But I do find it funny that the Left is still defending them. Can't keep up, eh?

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#62)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 04:44:20 AM EST
    That was going to be my next comment Jimmy Boy, I've read Gore's speech, and everything was truthful, and there was absolutely nothing that could be in any way construed as un-american. But, everybody should read it, so when jim starts his Karl Rove wannabe lie machine, we can all laugh at him more than we already do.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#63)
    by Slado on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 06:59:11 AM EST
    Democrats need to forget Hilliary and Al and move on. Borak Obama, Russ Fiengold and 10 other democratic govenors would all be better canidates because they wouldn't immediately turn off 35-40% of the vote. How can anyone think it's a good idea to run anyone when they will bring so much baggage with them? The reasons for liking them are valid, enthusiasm, statesmenship etc... but there are plenty of canidates that could do that and they wouldn't have the stain of Bill Clinton on them. Only Bill Clinton himself could pull this off and he's not running. I can't even imagine how fun it will be to relive the Clinton years or Al Gore's craziness post 2000 if either of them wins the nomination. Democrats will spend the campaign complaining about Bush, who isn't running or defending things Al/Hillary did 10 years ago. That will leave the door wide open for a new canidate to win another 4 years for Republicans.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#64)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 08:21:01 AM EST
    Democrats will spend the campaign complaining about Bush, who isn't running or defending things Al/Hillary did 10 years ago. That will leave the door wide open for a new canidate to win another 4 years for Republicans.
    And then the dish will run away with the spoon.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#65)
    by jondee on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 12:01:04 PM EST
    ppj - If you would ever post something here that wasnt a g.o.p/ talk radio talking point, perhaps I wouldnt be so presumptuous. A day dosnt go by here when you dont serve us up some factoid extracted from that great chickenhawk archive in your a**,such as yesterdays "the Huns and the Muslims wre the only ones who killed everybody." You apologize.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#66)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 01:04:04 PM EST
    Posted by Jondee March 22, 2006 01:01 PM
    ppj - If you would ever post something here that wasnt a g.o.p/ talk radio talking point, perhaps I wouldnt be so presumptuous. A day dosnt go by here when you dont serve us up some factoid extracted from that great chickenhawk archive in your a**,such as yesterdays "the Huns and the Muslims wre the only ones who killed everybody." You apologize.
    These clowns have no capacity for independent thought.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#67)
    by jondee on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 01:14:02 PM EST
    Its thier one strength. Everybodys always on the same page like African killer ants.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#68)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 01:18:49 PM EST
    they're like the Borg from Star Trek, the next generation "Assimilate,assimilate,resistance is futile,assimilate"

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#69)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 01:18:55 PM EST
    Good time to slam the book shut. Could be a Nobel Peace Prize in it for ya.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#70)
    by jondee on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 01:38:50 PM EST
    I gotta laugh at the bit about how discussing publicly financed elections is "off topic" in an Al Gore thread, but discussing who authorized torture at Abu Ghraib isnt. Unreal.

    Re: Will Al Gore Come Back for 2008? (none / 0) (#71)
    by Slado on Wed Mar 22, 2006 at 01:50:47 PM EST
    Charlie you can't seriously believe that right wingers are anymore monolithic then the democratic lemmings I constantly hear carping on this site. Some common threads that most of the lefty/liberals can type out in less then 30seconds... "Bush lied, people died" "Global Warming is real" "Rich people don't pay enough taxes" "Saddam didn't have WMD" "Bush is a moron", "Al Gore is great" this thread alone shows evidence of brainwashing.... Nevermind the constant pessimism and negativity that comes automatically with all things Bush. Please leave the right wing ants argument out of your retorts. We are no more/no less brainwashed then you my freind.