Tag: censorship
Use your website or social networking page to take a stand for human rights. Sign up to be a part of Amnesty International's day of protest tomorrow against internet censorship in China.
Stand up against Internet censorship in China by registering your page as part of the online the Day of Protest. On the 10 day countdown to the Beijing Olympics (July 30), we will demonstrate our solidarity with netizens in China and strengthen our call on major internet companies to uphold human rights through ‘occupying’ as many online spaces as possible.
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He found that uptight parents were less concerned with abortion than the idea of their kids watching "Sex in the City," "pumped into their homes" which they'd never seen, and was then only on cable, and playing "violent videogames."
The next year, Senator Clinton held a press conference with Joe Lieberman and Republican Senators Santorum and Brownback, threatening the game industry with legal restrictiopns if they didn't "clean up their act."
Clinton allies introduced State Laws, with press releases claiming "86% of 16 year old boys play 'these' games."
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